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April 15, 2021––– views


Omar Alsoudani - Technologies and tools I use frequently

My collection of technologies and tools, the list grown over the past couple of years — some I consider my self well-versed, The rest I'm capable enough to be up and running in short time.

This depends on what I’m currently using — usually when you stop using a software tool, you would need some time to catch up with the ecosystem and changes to that tool.

Naturally this page will be updated with new technologies that I’ll use

Table of contents

Programming languages

When I thought about what programming languages I’ve actually used, it boiled down to the list below — saying “used” doesn’t imply I’ve used it for a project at my workplace.

It means that I can work on a project that uses any of the below (assuming I might be rusty on some, so I’ll need a couple of weeks (less maybe? who knows!) — it doesn’t matter where and why I’ve used it.


You could debate that some of these are not databases, which is kinda correct for some of those — however all of them deals with storage one way or another, I can even say they all part of the Infrastructure (see below) but this seemed more suitable — my usage for those could differ as well.


These tools are the core parts of building software — choosing the right tool probably have higher impact than deciding if you want MySQL or MariaDB (to a certain degree…).

Development Environment

Helps me work faster, produce more accurate results — tools that serve one purpose while maintaining reliability.

  • Visual Studio Code As the main editor — and Vim when it's needed, for configuration I used a fork from amix/vimrc with some minor tweaks — the changes can be found in this repository
  • Whatever Terminal comes with the distro I have. Currently GNOME Terminal with customized colors using, however when I had KDE NEON I loved Konsole
  • Vercel
  • NVM
  • Vegeta
  • Brave Browser
  • Bitwarden
  • Update Golang Like NVM but for Golang
  • Ripgrep
  • Fzf
  • JetBrains Mono for coding stuff, Inter for reading
  • Reddit and Hacker News with the old design, I'll just stop visiting if they remove it. Browsing those sites is a sign that I have some chore work to do, or stuck on something stupid
  • The Sultan 24/7 on shuffle mode
  • GitHub mobile Lately I've been enjoying GitHub on mobile (Android) when I'm just bored. I browse the explore tab and check new stuff, sometimes I find something I'm interested in using
  • dnscrypt-proxy I could write an article about this tool just to touch the surface of it's capabilities but the short version is that it replaces (AKA ignore and bypass) my ISP DNS with Cloudflare DNS resolvers both IPv4 & IPv6 servers (this alone is a perk having less ~10ms on most requests) — DNS queries over HTTPS (DOH) — built in caching mechanism and huge amount of configuration to tweak it — recommended by Cloudflare. And this doesn't only apply to browsers, it applies to your whole machine and any program/client you are using (if you would like to use it, make sure to read the installation process carefully, a wrong install could prevent you from accessing the internet)


An ancient desktop PC that you don't even wanna know about (Yes I do whine when Electron eats my RAM for lunch).

It's not that bad, here's the specs according to neofetch:

  • M.2 NVMe SSD
  • 32 GB RAM — I guess it's 2400MHz, but the BIOS wants to run it on 2100MHz
  • NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1070. Hold your thoughts, this is running on Linux OS
  • Intel I7-6700 (8) @ 4.000GHz, not sure what the hell this CPU generation is from, but I know it's old and probably the bottle neck (and the bloated software we use daily)
  • Ubuntu 20.04.2 LTS — stable and nothing to complain about, hence I hate it
  • The worst screen ever created, the all mighty ASUS VG248QE
  • A motherboard

Omar Alsoudani

Modified October 22, 2021

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