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July 13, 2021––– views

PHP CLI Linux commands

Omar Alsoudani - Linux PHP


This page covers PHP specific commands on Linux, they can be used from the PHP CLI. You can use it as a reference in case you want to do some task quickly, or you might find something new and beneficial when using PHP.

Running scripts

Run a script using specific PHP version, and passing environment variables to the script ENVIROMENT=development  /usr/bin/php7.4 -f /var/www/swoole/server.php

Managing modules

Enable/Disable PHP modules for a specific PHP version (needs root permission)

sudo phpenmod -v 7.4 xdebug
sudo phpdismod -v 7.4 curl

Checking settings

Check the PHP settings of your installed version (same as php.ini)

php -i
php -i | grep "error_reporting"

In case you are using multiple PHP versions on the same machine, use which php and php -v to find the used version and its binary location.

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Omar Alsoudani

Modified July 13, 2021

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